So here’s the thing, we all know 2020 has not been the best year. COVID-19 has devastated the country, millions of Americans are unemployed as a result, there’s continued civil unrest and in less than a month the Presidential election will be held (this election will set the tone for years to follow…please VOTE!). A lot has happened, to say the least, but what is most important is that we find ways to maintain all aspects of our health and help one another as much as possible. Prayer is an important aspect of my life. It centers me and strengthens my relationship with God. Prayer allows my heart thoughts to cover people all over the world (known and unknown) and today I’d like to pray for you.

Heavenly Father, thank you for this day, your constant presence, and thank you for the person reading this prayer. Lord, I pray right now that you heal anyone in need of healing during this time. If their mind is restless, Lord, I pray that you decrease the speed of their thoughts and quiet their minds allowing them to experience peace. If anyone is experiencing emotional turmoil, anxiety, or depression, Lord, heal their hearts and mental state and let them know that although things may feel broken, dark, or unsettled on the inside of them, you have plans to make them whole again. There may be others who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and wondering how they will pay their rent/mortgage, how they will pay their bills, or where their next meal will come from. Be a blanket of assurance and comfort for them, Lord, and meet their needs. Your word says that You have a plan for each of us. Plans to prosper us and not harm us. Plans to give us hope and a future. Allow anyone that may be having a hard time seeing past their current situation to seek you and receive encouragement to keep going. Speak to those who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19 or have personally been affected by it and let them know that you are always close and healing is your specialty and that you are especially close to the brokenhearted. The future of our country is uncertain but your word is certain and your hand is unchanging. No matter how bleak things may look I know You have plans to carry us through to the other side allowing us to experience your glory and victory. I pray that you provide us all with insurmountable joy, an abundance of love, everlasting peace, financial wellness, exceptional health, unsuspected blessings, and continued grace. This is my prayer.

My hope is that you leave this blog post better than you came. Whatever you are going through, know that you don’t have to go through it alone. God is always available. If you ever need someone to talk to, drop a comment below and we can chit chat. The Bible says, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Be encourage.

With love,


“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” ~ Thessalonians 5:11

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